Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summer Promotion

Here it is! A Summer Promotion to capture all those wonderful summertime memories.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trip to the Blue Bell Creamery

Since you are not allowed to take cameras into the creamery, we took pictures out and about around the property and in Brenham. The girls had a blast and enjoyed their ice cream as well! The last two pictures were taken for her daddy for Father's Day!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cousin's Outting

I had a blast with this shoot! You would think by the pictures I captured that they did exactly what I asked. I have to say, I had three adults helping me chase the kiddos around and I know we all were tired when we finished, but I am beyond pleased with the shots. I cannot wait for another outting with this bunch.